How can you know what you need, before you know what you've got? Schoolyard inventories or school-wide environmental audits are ways to recognize assets or resources and identify missing elements for an outdoor learning program on campus. Students learn a lot by collecting and analyzing data, which can be used to prioritize future physical improvements or student-directed projects. Here are several types of inventories to consider. Organizations such as the Environmental Education Alliance may be able to recommend a professional who can walk the property and make recommendations about your outdoor learning space.
NWF Pathways
ecoRise Eco-Audits
Roots & Shoots Audits
GSNN "Greenprint"
The National Wildlife Federation offers a number of audit pathways that student teams can use to assess sustainability.
ecoRise provides grants for conducting "eco-audits" of schools and using audit results to identify student projects.
Community mapping and auditing is part of the Jane Goodall Roots & Shoots process for identifying and implementing projects.
The Green Schools National Network offers an investigation framework and "greenprint" for becoming more sustainable.
EPA School Siting Guidelines
This School Siting Guidance from EPA clarifies suitable locations in environmental health terms.
Green Schools Initiative Quiz
The Green Schools Initiative offers this assessment in a report card format. If you score 31+ out of 73 points, submit your school profile for Honor Roll recognition.
Project Learning Tree
PLT's School Investigation includes five explorations for students to complete ~
natural habitats, wildlife, trees, grounds maintenance, and ways to improve the site. |
Tree Inventory
A Tree Inventory identifies specific trees (example: iTree) and Tree Canopy Assessment estimates percentage of land shaded (example fr PlanItGeo).
The Council of Outdoor Learning (CoOL) is an EEA initiative that focuses on the design, development, use, and sustainability of outdoor learning environments on school campuses. CoOL provides tips and techniques for those who want to create outdoor classrooms or learning stations, hosts an annual symposium to share resources and strategies for teaching outdoors, curates a collection of outdoor learning activities that are integrated with state standards, and provides professional learning workshops, resources and webinars for teachers and non-formal educators.
Environmental Education Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 801066 | Acworth, GA 30101 EEA does not does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program , activities, or employment. For more information on EEA's non-discrimination commitment click here . Grievance officer may be contacted at [email protected] |
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