advancing nature experiences, outdoor learning, and environmental ed for every GA child
GOAL #1 : High Quality Education
To drive excellence and spark innovation in the field; translate research into best practices; share exemplary models, methods, and materials; support and build capacity of teachers and non-formal educators to engage children in environmental problem-solving. |
GOAL #2: Advancing the Field
To demonstrate the collective impact of environmental and outdoor education; foster collaboration; mobilize support and encourage investment in resources including outdoor spaces, professional development, and student supplies. |
GOAL #3: Equitable Access
To ensure that every Georgia child has access to nature and is included and engaged in relevant, place-based foundational outdoor experiences that result in affinity and appreciation for the natural world. |
EEA is excited to announce that Akiima Price will be the Keynote Speaker at the Conference on Environmental and Outdoor Learning Feb 28 - Mar 2. Akiima is a nationally-esteemed leader in environmental education known for her pioneering work in Restorative Park Engagement strategies that use nature to connect economically-stressed urban communities with transformative outdoor experiences. Her work promotes healing, community, and meaningful connections to parks. |
Limited spots left! Join us for EEA's 2025 Conference on Environmental and Outdoor Learning on February 28 - March 2. This premier professional learning event offers interactive presentations, in-depth workshops, and engaging field excursions. Discounts still available for registration (select Hardship category or offer to volunteer) and lodging at Villas by the Sea. Registration includes Keynote and Award Luncheons, a reception at the Mosaic Museum, meet and greet socials, and a boat tour to see dolphins and learn about coastal ecology. Discount rates for optional Sunday morning kayaking expedition or boat trip at Okeefenokee Swamp. |
Deadline Feb 1, 2025
Deadline Jan 17, 2025
INTRO Workshop Thurs Mar 20:
ADVANCED Workshop Fri Mar 21:
How many trees make a schoolyard forest?
Join us at OLS on Oct 15 and find out! The Georgia Schoolyard Forest Network will launch at the Outdoor Learning Symposium on Tuesday October 15. An entire track of sessions will feature schoolyard forests. Learn how to plant trees, care for and expand your schoolyard forest, and use trees or forests to engage students in real-world investigations and problem solving. Discover how you can be involved in the CoOL Schoolyards recognition program, where ee providers offer student projects that demonstrate best practices in outdoor learning and schools earn points for completing them.
Schoolyard Forest Design LecturesLearn about all aspects of schoolyard forests, from planning and design to tree selection, planting, maintenance, stormwater infrastructure, and mitigating the effects of climate change. This free lecture series is presented by Green Schoolyards America.
Remaining Dates in the
Schoolyard Forest Design Lecture Series Feb 6, 2025 02:00 PM Eastern Time Meeting ID 858 1393 4575 |
CoOL Schoolyards ~ Register this Fall!CoOL Schoolyards is a tiered recognition program that awards points to schools for their efforts to engage students in outdoor learning, connects non-formal ee providers with schools, and provides a resource bank of projects for engaging students in high-quality outdoor learning experiences. Schools can earn credit for taking students outside to learn or connect with nature, improving the schoolyard, or solving environmental problems - then watch the Leaderboard to see their points (and recognition level) soar.
Non-profits and public agencies can propose free or discounted educational offerings that demonstrate best practices in outdoor learning, including activities, field trips, and environmental stewardship projects. Accepted programs will be assigned points for school recognition levels. |
Learning about the Environment from Indigenous EldersThe Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network's Outdoor Learning School and Store is offering "4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning." Register only for the monthly presentations by Indigenous Leaders and Elders ($60) or for the full courses, including 10 self-paced online modules ($120). Early Bird discount ends June 30th for programs beginning in Fall of 2024. EEA 10% discount code: 4Seasons10%
154 Applications received and reviewed 23 Grantees to be announced: Nov 2024 Funds available: Dec 2024 (drawdown on reimbursement basis) Project completion deadline: June 30, 2025 Eligible applicants: public schools, school districts, public agencies, non-profit organizations, or beneficiaries must be GA public school students Eligible activities: professional learning for educators, schoolyard improvements, supplies for outdoor learning, and/or field trips Grant amounts: $500 - $5000 per grant; at least 18 grants to be awarded Grant Writing Webinars: August 12 and September 9 |
CoOL hosts an annual Outdoor Learning Symposium, manages the Outdoor Learning Collaboratory to identify best practices in design and use of outdoor learning spaces, created the Outdoor Learning Toolkit, manages the Georgia Schoolyard Forest Network, advocates for outdoor education to engage all children in nature experiences, field investigations, problem-solving and stewardship. |
MAG offers educator workshops using the Monarchs, Milkweed and More curriculum, hosts a biennial Pollinator Symposium, teaches land managers, garden clubs and schools how to restore native habitat, certifies pollinator habitats that demonstrate best practices, manages the annual Symbolic Migration as part of Journey North, and provides pollinator habitat grants. |
ATEEG is a nationally-accredited certification program for pK-12 teachers, professors, and non-formal environmental educators. It consists of three core courses and an independent project. Each core course is offered in a hybrid format that includes an in-person workshop, self-paced modules, and interactive webinars. Georgia and out-of-state candidates welcome. |
Georgia Project WET is a water education program that envisions a world in which action-oriented education enables every child to understand and value water, ensuring a sustainable future. Project WET promotes awareness, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources by creating and distributing teaching materials and conducting educators workshops. |
Rivers Alive is Georgia's volunteer waterway cleanup program. It aims to keep all watersheds within the state trash-free and encourages volunteers to target streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, and wetlands to help to protect our waterways. The mission of Rivers Alive is to create awareness of and involvement in the preservation of Georgia's water resources. |
Georgia Adopt-A-Stream (AAS) is the state's volunteer water quality monitoring program. Since 1993, the program has engaged citizen scientists all across Georgia and beyond in water protection activities, through a series of educational workshops which train individuals on the physical, chemical and biological health of their waterways. |
EE Landscape Analysis The EE Landscape Analysis was designed to find out more about environmental education (EE) in the southeast. EEA surveyed outdoor learning and EE providers and schools in Georgia. In partnership with seven other regional states, the data was analyzed and used to create maps and a suite of planning tools. The findings of this survey reveal strengths and needs throughout our state, and help prioritize action items of the eeCEO Roundtable. |
Outdoor Learning Collaboratory EEA is asking educators, property managers, and landscape architects to share their expertise and ideas about best practices in outdoor learning... from designing and creating spaces to fostering student-directed learning, and sustaining programs long-term. Our goal is to develop best practices and case studies in partnership with the National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education. |
Inclusive & Equitable Teaching Practices EEA's vision is for environmental education and outdoor learning to benefit every child in Georgia. To address gaps in access, EEA spotlights effective models, advances equitable instructional strategies, offers professional learning workshops and courses to increase capacity, and partners with organizations that have demonstrated success in culturally-competent teaching. |
Guidelines for Excellence Institute As Georgia's designated 'Guidelines for Excellence in EE Institute', EEA is authorized to offer Guidelines for Excellence courses developed by the National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education. These Guidelines set the standards for high-quality environmental education and reflect best practices. Each guide was drafted by a diverse team and reviewed nationwide. |
EE Database EEA manages the EEinGeorgia website as a resource database for job listings, grant opportunities, contests, awards, lessons, and profiles of schools and environmental education providers. |
Memorial Forest The EEA Memorial Forest provides a way to commemorate loved ones who have contributed to the field of environmental education by planting trees in their memory around the state. |
GreenSleeves EEA's virtual book club offers members a chance to discuss books and share ideas or reflections with each other. We are fortunate to have authors join us from time to time. |
Outdoor Learning Store EEA has partnered with the Outdoor Learning Store to provide a non-profit source of teaching supplies. A percentage of sales from Georgia goes to EEA. Enter code eea22$%! for 5% off. |
Dragonfly GrantsEEA's Dragonfly Grants inspire innovation by encouraging environmental educators to integrate performing and visual arts with learning experiences. |
Pollinator Habitat Grants
EEA's Monarchs Across Georgia (MAG) Pollinator Habitat Grants encourage the creation or enhancement of native habitat for endangered monarch butterflies. |
CoOL GrantsEEA's Council of Outdoor Learning offers grants to support schoolyard improvements, student supplies, professional learning, and/or field trips, whenever funds are available. |
Pandemic Considerations
Click to read EEA's statement on ways that outdoor learning can contribute to safety and enable effective hands-on investigations during the pandemic and its aftermath. |
Outdoor Learning Toolkit
EEA's CoOL Toolkit for Outdoor Learning is a quick-start guide to creating outdoor learning spaces, managing students, and teaching outside classroom walls. |
Overcoming Obstacles
EEA's Tips and Techniques for Outdoor Learning are designed to help educators overcome challenges to outdoor learning. Many thanks to Jerry Hightower and Petey Giroux. |
Making the Case
To provide evidence for outdoor learning, consider this research on academic gains, improved physical and mental health, and increased "agency" or ability to make a difference. |
We're rallying to raise support for expanding environmental and outdoor learning to every Georgia child. Your donation, in any amount, will be valued and appreciated. Please help EEA continue to provide professional learning events and courses for educators, offer free vetted teaching resources, advocate for funding, encourage collaboration, and foster excellence in the field of environmental and outdoor learning.
For the cost of a cup of coffee, you can be a member of EEA. Pay as little as $3/month or $30/year in dues at the regular rate. EEA has a limited-time offer to JOIN or RENEW at the lower Nymph rate of $20. If you need a year of FREE MEMBERSHIP, email your request for the discount code to [email protected]. You can catch up next year, when times are better. Until then, enjoy this opportunity to meet people, strengthen skills, and keep up with emerging trends and issues. And, if you do have funds to spare, feel free to click the GIVE button below to contribute to our Membership Fund, so we can continue to offer this special deal.
Our Impact
EEA's reach in the state of Georgia and beyond
continues to grow each year. We believe in the power of environmental education and our role in bringing about a more sustainable future for all. |
Environmental Education Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 801066 | Acworth, GA 30101 EEA does not does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program , activities, or employment. For more information on EEA's non-discrimination commitment click here . Grievance officer may be contacted at [email protected] |
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