Volunteering with EEA is a great way to get more involved with the organization that serves Georgia’s growing environmental education needs. If you have already volunteered, please submit your volunteer hours by clicking the button to the right.
Advanced Training for EE in Georgia (ATEEG)This committee oversees programmatic and operational activities of ATEEG, including designing and delivering the core courses, mentoring participants working on their independent study projects (ISP), reviewing ISP and recertification submissions, recruiting participants, and promoting the program. Volunteers are needed to serve on the program's Certification Advisory Board or as an instructor.
ComunicationsThis committee communicates to EEA members and the general public via the website, social media, emails, and newsletters.
ConferenceThis committee plans the annual conference, including developing themes; identifying host sites; scheduling keynote speakers, panelists and concurrent session presenters; working with the host site staff, and communicating with board members regarding their conference duties.
Council of Outdoor Learning (CoOL)Develops and coordinates the annual Outdoor Learning Symposium and works throughout the year to educate and implement outdoor learning areas in schools and the community.
Current IssuesThis committee advances current and emerging EE issues through stakeholder engagement and partnerships, advocacy, and outreach, including work on the state environmental literacy plan.
Environmental Stewardship and Community ScienceThe Environmental Stewardship & Community Science Opportunities (ECO) committee promotes the involvement of citizens of all ages in EE and problem-solving, community science and crowd-sourced data collection, environmental stewardship and justice projects, civic discourse, and other forms of community engagement.
FundraisingThis committee develops and implements fundraising strategies to support the infrastructure and programs of EEA, including individual giving campaigns, grants, and corporate donations.
Higher EducationThis committee supports educational institutions in their efforts to prepare pre-service teachers, interpreters, naturalists and other environmental educators; and promotes the goal of environmental literacy among all post-secondary students.
Member ServicesThis committee works on strengthening benefits and responsibilities for members and expanding the membership base through membership drives and public events. It also oversees the EEA Store, volunteers, regional representatives, and member field excursions.
Monarchs Across Georgia (MAG)This committee works with teachers, students, families, communities, businesses, and others to study and educate about monarch butterflies and other pollinators and to restore butterfly habitat across the state.
Practices, Resources & Professional LearningThis committee advances the field of environmental education, supports best practices, and promotes excellence among non-formal and K-12 educators by providing resources, tools, models, strategies, professional learning, and opportunities for collaboration.
Strategic PartnershipsThis committee cultivates collaboration, partnerships, networking, and other relationships among organizations, corporations, agencies, and individuals to support and enhance EEA’s vision and mission and common goals.
Environmental Education Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 801066 | Acworth, GA 30101 EEA does not does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program , activities, or employment. For more information on EEA's non-discrimination commitment click here . Grievance officer may be contacted at [email protected] |
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