To be eligible for a MAG Pollinator Habitat Grant, projects must create or enhance an outdoor pollinator habitat that fulfills the specific requirements of the Monarchs Across Georgia Pollinator Habitat Certification. A certificate will be provided as a benefit to each grant recipient when the requirements are fulfilled. We recommend that you also certify your habitat with the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail and the Monarch Watch Monarch Waystation programs for educational purposes, but these are not grant requirements. The project must include an educational component (e.g., signage, brochure, program, outreach) regarding pollination and promote MAG's Pollinator Habitat Certification Program.
Until 2016, grant monies were derived from the profits made on MAG's native plant sales and from the financial support of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Southeast Region. We appreciate the technical advice and funds provided through the Partners for Fish and Wildlife program. We also are honored to partner with the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail in habitat restoration and conservation efforts. Grant monies for the 2019-20 fiscal year have come exclusively from MAG's native plant sales. Congratulations to our latest grant recipients!
MAG is not accepting grant applications this fiscal year
Applications for the 2019 fiscal year were due by Nov. 15, 2019. Applicants were notified by Dec. 31, 2019. Funds were distributed in January 2020. All funds must be expended according to the proposed plan with the final report due May 1, 2021. The application for Pollinator Habitat Certification must be submitted before the final report deadline. |
The final report, including the online application for Pollinator Habitat Certification, must be submitted no later than May 1, 2021. Below are a template for compiling your report, downloadable documents for photo releases, the summary of budget and partner contributions, and the link to the online reporting form.
Template for Final Report (MS-Word) Online Final Report Form Copyright Release Form (for images, photos, and video) Final Report Partner Contributions Summary Final Report Budget Summary |
Environmental Education Alliance, Inc.
P.O. Box 801066 | Acworth, GA 30101 EEA does not does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program , activities, or employment. For more information on EEA's non-discrimination commitment click here . Grievance officer may be contacted at [email protected] |
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